Fred Pippet

Fred has nearly 30 years experience of research and computerised information systems in Local Government. He is an Associate Senior Researcher of TWRI Policy & Research with a particular responsibility for Economic Research and Analysis, however, his experience extends into other areas such as GIS, Housing and Planning Support, Demography & Census and Property Gazetteers.
Fred has a B.A. (Hons) in Geography and a Post Graduate Diploma in Planning and is a member of the Royal Town Planning Institute. He also holds an HND in Computer Studies.
He worked initially in the field of property gazetteers having positions with Tyne & Wear County Council and North Tyneside Council. He helped create local business and employment databases for North and South Tyneside and Sunderland City and their respective business directories. He had oversight of South Tyneside‟s property gazetteer function.
Fred has 24 years experience in providing information analysis and support for planning, housing and economic development functions while working for Northumberland County Council and South Tyneside Council. During which time he helped introduce GIS into Northumberland and South Tyneside Councils and helped initiate, with TWRI, the use of digital air photos in Tyne & Wear.
While at South Tyneside he has been able to support a series of grant applications for both the Council and 3rd sector partners, from economic regeneration such as Single Regeneration Budget and Local Enterprise and Growth Initiative
(LEGI) or specific schemes such My Place (youth facility) or The Studio School ( a vocational school). Using statistical analysis and GIS mapping to help inform and influence policy development within development plans, both Structure Plan and Local Development Framework and the South Tyneside Corporate Plan – “The Spirit of South Tyneside” as well as the Economic Strategy and Directorate plans.
He was closely involved in the development of the Council‟s Local Information System – Statistics Online, worked closely with South Tyneside LSP especially the Economic sub-group, South Tyneside Economic Partnership (STEP), while producing South Tyneside‟s Economic Assessment. He represented the council on demographic issues such as a successful challenge to official population estimates and projections. Fred coordinated a comprehensive information service for the Council, its members, directorates and its partners and the general public. He left South Tyneside Council in May 2011.
In August 2011, Fred was invited to become the Local Authority Research and Intelligence Association (LARIA) Locality Liaison Officer for the North East.